Is this your bowl?

a picture of a small shallow stained white ceramic bowl

In the early 2000's my family visited some relatives in scandinavia for like a month or so. Early in our stay there we went to a pottery workshop where I got to make myself a small ceramic bowl. when we went back to pick up my finished bowl they gave me the bowl in the picture, which is significantly wider and shallower than the bowl I made. I tried to tell the adults that it was not my bowl and that it looked nothing like my bowl, but they insisted that it was mine and that it had my name on the underside proving it was mine and that it just looked diffrent because it had been dried and fired and glazed. I didn't think that sounded right for such a drastic change in proportions but being 5 years old I didn't know enough about pottery to dispute it. a few months later I had learned to read in school and I checked the name on the underside and it wasn't my name written there.

I want my bowl back. I don't mind returning this bowl to its maker(sorry about the stains by the way)
I'll put an e-mail adress here soon for if you might have my bowl or if this might be your bowl.